Curation and Integration of Single-cell RNA-Seq Data for Cross-study Analysis and Interpretation

Curation and Integration of Single-cell RNA-Seq Data for Cross-study Analysis and Interpretation

Frank Staubli
NEBION AG, Switzerland

GENEVESTIGATOR® is a high-performance knowledge-base and analysis tool for gene expression data. lt integrates thousands of manually curated public transcriptomic studies from human or model organisms, while enabling effective visualization of gene expression across different biological contexts such as diseases, drug treatments, tissues, cancers, cell lines, or genotypes.
The recent exponential increase of publicly available single-cell RNA-Seq studies and the power of this technology for de novo discoveries prompted us to build a manually curated and globally normalized single-cell RNA-Seq compendium.
Here, we present the steps of our curation pipeline, and demonstrate an example analysis in GENEVESTIGATOR® for identifying cell-type specific responses to COVID-19 using a published 10x single-cell RNA-Seq study.

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