qPCR Data Analysis talks GQ2023 – Freising
- Bioinformatics Tools for Ultra-sensitive Sequencing Data Using Unique Molecular Identifiers
- Enhancing transcript measurement via the Gini Index
- Gene Fusion Detection - more complex than you might assume
- Efficiency-Corrected PCR Quantification for Identification of Prevalence and Load of Respiratory Disease-Causing Agents in Feedlot Cattle
qPCR Data Analysis talks GQ2019 – Freising
- GeneGini: Assessment via the Gini Coefficient of Reference "Housekeeping" Genes and Diverse Human Transporter Expression Profiles
- GenEx – The Ultimate Software for Analysis of Transcriptomic Data
- Why reporting Cq or delta-Cq is senseless
- Integration of DNA Melting Curve Analysis In qPCR Data Analysis
- Fundamentals for the Automatic Classification of Quantitative PCR AmplificationCurves - A Biostatistical Approach
- GEAR: The Genome Analysis Server Eases Wet-Lab Data Analysis
- DAILYqpcr – An Application For Revolutionizing Designing, Storing, And Analyzing QPCR Experiments
NGS Data Analysis talks GQ2019 – Freising
- RNA Atlas: A Nucleotide Resolution Map Of The Human Transcriptome
- Getting More out of RNA-Seq Data: Transcriptomic Analysis of Ischemic Stroke
- Liquid Biopsies For Personalized Medicine: The Omiterc Project
- Tiled Amplicons Panels in NGS-Based Genetic Testing
- PCR Based Target Enrichment For Variant Confirmation, Gene Panels And Multiplex PCR Sample Tracking In A Whole Exome Sequencing Workflow
- Handling of Spurious Molecular Species Dictates the Outcome of High-throughput 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Profiling
- QC Measurements for Predicting Downstream NGS Success with FFPE and Circulating Cell-Free DNA Plasma Samples
qPCR Data Analysis talks GQ2017 – Freising
- Methods and technologies for analysis digital PCR experiments – Lessons we learned from the qPCR technology
- Development of an HRM-based tool for the automated identification of nucleotide sequences in large datasets
- A new paradigm in genetic data analysis on the thermo fisher cloud
- COMplementary Primer ASymmetric PCR (COMPASTM-PCR), a counter intuitive primer design for PCR
- Comparative procedures for sample processing and development of qPCR assays for the rapid detection of grapevine and citrus pathogens
NGS Data Analysis talks GQ2017 – Freising
- Meta-OMIC reconstruction in the gut microbiome of wild primates: Impactions for human origins
- Gut microbiota sequencing: From single studies to large-scale analysis
- From qualitative to quantitative data in microbiome analysis: Using metagenomics for qPCR validation
- Unravelling the evolution of prostate cancer through whole genome sequence data
- Nanopore sequencing – Entering new next
- Overcoming NGS analysis bottlenecks with a systematic, scalable system
- Evaluation of regulatory small variants in human genetics
Data Analysis talks qPCR & NGS 2015 – Freising
- Removal of Between-Plate Variation in qPCR with Factor Correction: Completion of the Analysis Pipeline Supported by RDML
- Unexpected System-specific Periodicity In Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Data And Its Impact On Quantification
- The PrimerBank database: an analysis of high-throughput primer validation
- Occurrence of unexpected PCR artefacts warrants thorough quality control
- Impact of Smoothing on Parameter Estimation inQuantitative DNA Amplification Experiments
- RDML qPCR Data Format - Ready For The Next Level?
- RDML Consortium Meeting
Data Analysis talks qPCR & NGS 2013 – Freising
- qbasePLUS to speed up the analysis of your qPCR data and to improve the accuracy of your experiments
- Start Making Sense – NGS Data Analysis with Genomatix
- GenEx – the ultimate tool for qPCR data analysis
- The use and usefulness of amplification curve analysis in quantitative PCR
- Integration of disparate sources of information to predict miRNA-mRNA interactions
- How to Narrow Down the Complexity of Possible miRNA and mRNA Interactions in Cellular Differentiation?
- A Kinetic PCR Model Function and its Application on the LightCycler® 96
Data Analysis talks qPCR 2011 – Freising
- Interpretation requires context - making sense out of gene lists and networks
- Stratified error in the qPCR assays from the statistical point of view
- Primer3: Improvements for the design of qPCR primers
- Is normalisation of raw data necessary? Truly Automated Analysis of qPCR Data Using the AzurePCR Method
- Amplification efficiency as a function of primer and cDNA concentration
- Evaluation and applicability of advanced/exotic qPCR quantification strategies and their implementation
- High-resolution melting data error evaluation between runs
Data Analysis talks qPCR 2010 – Vienna
- Accurate and objective copy number profiling using real-time quantitative PCR
- Quality control for quantitative PCR based on amplification compatibility test
- Expression profiling - clusters of possibilities
- Bias in the Cq value observed with hydrolysis probe based quantitative PCR can be corrected with the estimated PCR efficiency value
- Pros and cons of single curve efficiency algorithms
- Existing Methods and New Developmentsf or RT-PCR Analysis in R
- DNA Melting and Mathematics
- Quality Control in qPCR
- qPCR: Application for real-time PCR data management and analysis
- Quantitative real time-PCR-assay for the analysis of gene-specific human influenza A virus transcription & replication dynamics
- Real-time Gene Expression Analysis as Monitoring Tool for Production of Recombinant Proteins